Analysis of hydrodynamics and water quality in the Radensko polje with a focus on conditions near the hamlet of Pirka
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
dr. Nataša Ravbar-
Original Title
Analiza hidrodinamike in kakovosti voda na Radenskem polju s poudarkom na razmerah na območju blizu zaselka Pirka
Project Team
dr. Blaž Kogovšek, dr. Cyril Mayaud, dr. Janez Mulec, dr. Metka Petrič, Sara Skok, Mateja Zadel-
21 February 2023–22 March 2024 -
Financial Source
Zavod za turizem in promocijo "Turizem Grosuplje"
In order to better understand the effects of the polje's hydrological fluctuations and the possible impact of anthropogenic activities, a monitoring network was set up to observe the water levels and the physico-chemical properties of the water, and periodic hydrometric measurements, sampling and water quality analysis were carried out.
Research Project
karst polje
hydrological variability
hydraulic monitoring
water quality monitoring