Managing marsh habitats for conservation of waterfowl of intermittent lakes
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
dr. Matej Blatnik-
Original Title
Upravljanje močvirskih habitatov za ohranjanje vodnih ptic presihajočih jezer
Project Team
dr. Nataša Ravbar, dr. Metka Petrič, dr. Franci Gabrovšek-
Project ID
101114184 - LIFE22-NAT-SI-LIFE TRSCA
1 September 2023–31 December 2029 -
Lead Partner
Financial Source
European Commission
Univerza v Ljubljani – Biotehniška fakulteta, Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije, Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SA…, Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano
Project objectives:
The main objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of the intermittent Cerknica Lake. For this purpose, we will:
- introduce new and revise existing agri-environmental schemes, that foster changes to the existing agricultural practices regarding mowing and form the basis for payment of agricultural subsidies to landowners at Cerknica Lake,
- carry out activities for conservation of the most important marsh land-plots, together with monitoring and evaluation of changes in this habitat type,
- remove the dead marsh vegetation and look for new market opportunities of its use,
- restore the breeding habitat of the Ferruginous duck and the Red-necked grebe and reduce disturbances in nesting and wintering periods,
- construct a parking lot at Gorenje Jezero village and install new traffic signalisation and other infrastructure to improve traffic on Cerknica Lake,
- conduct numerous expert surveys and analysis in various fields, necessary for the professional work and appropriate land management at Cerknica Lake,
- inform and educate the general public with a specific focus on activities and events for children and youth.
Link to the main project website:
Research Project