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Managing marsh habitats for conservation of waterfowl of intermittent lakes


Project objectives:

The main objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of the intermittent Cerknica Lake. For this purpose, we will:

  • introduce new and revise existing agri-environmental schemes, that foster changes to the existing agricultural practices regarding mowing and form the basis for payment of agricultural subsidies to landowners at Cerknica Lake,
  • carry out activities for conservation of the most important marsh land-plots, together with monitoring and evaluation of changes in this habitat type,
  • remove the dead marsh vegetation and look for new market opportunities of its use,
  • restore the breeding habitat of the Ferruginous duck and the Red-necked grebe and reduce disturbances in nesting and wintering periods,
  • construct a parking lot at Gorenje Jezero village and install new traffic signalisation and other infrastructure to improve traffic on Cerknica Lake,
  • conduct numerous expert surveys and analysis in various fields, necessary for the professional work and appropriate land management at Cerknica Lake,
  • inform and educate the general public with a specific focus on activities and events for children and youth.

Link to the main project website:

Research Project