Micro-tectonic deformations in karst caves, extensometers TM 71 and pendulum monitoring
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Stanka Šebela, PhD-
Original Title
Micro-tectonic deformations in karst caves, extensometers TM 71 and pendulum monitoring
Project Team
Janez Mulec, PhD , Stanka Šebela, PhD, Janez Turk, PhD-
Project ID
1 January 2010–31 December 2011 -
Lead Partner
Institute of the Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech…
Financial Source
Description is not available.
First results of movement of 25 m long vertical pendulum in Magdalena Cave are acquired. They show particular declinations from vertical axis regarding stress changes in Earth's crust. 2D data of pendulum movement are transferred in real-time to Prague. The results are comparable with other pendulums in Czech Republic. Parallel to pendulum studies the automatic 3D monitoring of tectonic micro-movements in Velika Gora in Postojna cave system is organized but not in real-time yet. In Slovenia there are 6 extensometer TM 71 installations in karst caves that are situated close to possibly active fault zones. Monitoring is generally organized once a month.