The state of the Reka River, impact of tourism on cave habitat in the tourist part of Škocjan Caves, survey of lampenflora and consulting on restriction of its growth
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Janez Mulec, PhD-
Original Title
Stanje reke Reke, vpliv turizma na jamski habitat v turističnem delu Škocjanskih jam, pregled stanja lampenflore in svetovanje pri omejevanju njene rasti
Project Team
Janez Mulec, PhD , Mateja Zadel-
23 March 2016–31 December 2016 -
Financial Source
Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame
The quality of the Reka River was monitored by on-site measuring of physico-chemical parameters and chemical and microbiological analysis. The growth of lampenflora in the tourist part of the cave is observed at 20 monitoring points. The growth rate of lampenflora was assessed at the newly installed LED lamps in the cave.
Research Project