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Jaroslav Obu, PhD

Research Associate

+386 5 700 19 20

  • Periglacial and karst geomorphology
  • Cryoturbation
  • Cave ice dynamics
  • Arctic carbon cycle
  • Permafrost
  • Geographical information systems (GIS)
2011: Student Prešeren Award. University of Ljubljana awards diploma theses from various scientific fields every year.
2011: Best GIS diploma thesis in the year 2010/2011 from GISData/ESRI. ESRI sponsors its software distribution partners for awards on field of Geographical Information System.

PALMTAG, Juri, OBU, Jaroslav, KUHRY, Peter, RICHTER, Andreas, SIEWERT, Matthias B., WEISS, Niels, WESTERMANN, Sebastian, HUGELIUS, Gustaf. A high spatial resolution soil carbon and nitrogen dataset for the northern permafrost region based on circumpolar land cover upscaling. Earth system science data. 2022, vol. 14, issue 9, str. 4095-4110. ISSN 1866-3508., DOI: 10.5194/essd-14-4095-2022.

RAN, Youhua, LI, Xin, CHENG, Guodong, CHE, Jingxin, AALTO, Juha, KARJALAINEN, Olli, HJORTH, Jan, LUOTO, Miska, JIN, Huijun, OBU, Jaroslav, et al. New high-resolution estimates of the permafrost thermal state and hydrothermal conditions over the Northern Hemisphere. Earth system science data. str. 1-27. ISSN 1866-3508., DOI: 10.5194/essd-2021-83.

OBU, Jaroslav. How much of the Earth's surface is underlain by permafrost?. Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface. May 2021, vol. 126, issue 5, str. 1-5. ISSN 2169-9011., DOI: 10.1029/2021JF006123.

OBU, Jaroslav, WESTERMANN, Sebastian, VIEIRA, Gonçalo, ABRAMOV, Andrey, BALKS, M. R., BARTSCH, Annett, HRBÁČEK, Filip, KÄÄB, Andreas, RAMOS, Miguel. Pan-Antarctic map of near-surface permafrost temperatures at 1 km2 scale. The cryosphere. 2020, vol. 14, issue 2, str. 497-519, graf. prikazi, zvd. ISSN 1994-0416., DOI: 10.5194/tc-14-497-2020.

ALEXANDER, Andreas, OBU, Jaroslav, SCHULER, Thomas V., KÄÄB, Andreas, CHRISTIANSEN, Hanne H. Subglacial permafrost dynamics and erosion inside subglacial channels driven by surface events in Svalbard. The cryosphere. 2020, vol. 14, issue 11, str. 4217-4231.ISSN 1994-0416., DOI: 10.5194/tc-14-4217-2020.

NESTEROVA, N. B., OBU, Jaroslav. Analiz točnosti i čuvstvitelʹnosti globalʹnoj modeli mnogoletnemërzlyh porod GlobPermafrost na territoriju Skandinavii. Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovaniâ Zemli iz kosmosa. 2020, t. 17, no. 1, str. 101-110. ISSN 2070-7401., DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2020-17-1-101-110.

OBU, Jaroslav, WESTERMANN, Sebastian, BARTSCH, Annett, BERDNIKOV, Nikolai, CHRISTIANSEN, Hanne H., DASHTSEREN, Avirmed, DELALOYE, Reynald, ELBERLING, Bo, ETZELMÜLLER, Bernd, KHOLODOV, Alexander, et al. Northern Hemisphere permafrost map based on TTOP modelling for 2000–2016 at 1 km2 scale. Earth-science reviews. [Print ed.]. June 2019, vol. 193, str. 299-316. ISSN 0012-8252.!, DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.04.023.

COCH, Caroline, LAMOUREUX, Scott F., KNOBLAUCH, Christian, EISCHEID, Isabell, FRITZ, Michael, OBU, Jaroslav, LANTUIT, Hugues. Summer rainfall dissolved organic carbon, solute, and sediment fluxes in a small Arctic coastal catchment on Herschel Island (Yukon Territory, Canada). Arctic science. December 2018, vol. 4, no. 4, str. 750-780. ISSN 2368-7460., DOI: 10.1139/as-2018-0010.

OBU, Jaroslav, KOŠUTNIK, Jure, OVERDUIN, Paul P., BOIKE, Julia, BLATNIK, Matej, ZWIEBACK, Simon, GOSTINČAR, Petra, MIHEVC, Andrej. Sorted patterned ground in a karst cave, Ledenica pod Hrušico, Slovenia. Permafrost and periglacial processes. Apr.-June 2018, vol. 29, iss. 2, str. 121-130. ISSN 1099-1530., DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1970.

OBU, Jaroslav, LANTUIT, Hugues, GROSSE, Guido, GÜNTHER, Frank, SACHS, Torsten, HELM, Veit, FRITZ, Michael. Coastal erosion and mass wasting along the Canadian Beaufort Sea based on annual airborne LiDAR elevation data. 2017, vol. 293, part b, str. 331-346. ISSN 0169-555X.!, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.02.014.

OBU, Jaroslav, LANTUIT, Hugues, MYERS-SMITH, I., HEIM, B., WOLTER, Juliane, FRITZ, Michael. Effect of terrain characteristics on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in soils of Herschel Island, western Canadian Arctic. Permafrost and periglacial processes. January/March 2017, vol. 28, no. 1, str. 92-107. ISSN 1045-6740., DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1881.

OBU, Jaroslav, LANTUIT, Hugues, FRITZ, Michael, POLLARD, Wayne H., SACHS, Torsten, GÜNTHER, Frank. Relation between planimetric and volumetric measurements of permafrost coast erosion : a case study from Herschel Island, western Canadian Arctic. Polar research. 2016, vol. 35, str. 1-13. ISSN 1751-8369., DOI: 10.3402/polar.v35.30313.

FRITZ, Michael, WOLTER, Juliane, RUDAYA, Natalia, PALAGUSHKINA, Olga, NAZAROVA, Larisa, OBU, Jaroslav, RETHEMEYER, Janet, LANTUIT, Hugues, WETTERICH, Sebastian. Holocene ice-wedge polygon development in northern Yukon permafrost peatlands (Canada). Quaternary science reviews. 2016, vol. 147, str. 279-297. ISSN 0277-3791.!, DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.02.008.

OBU, Jaroslav, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaž. Algoritem za prepoznavanje kraških kotanj na podlagi digitalnega modela reliefa = Algorithm for karst depression recognition using digital terrain models. Geodetski vestnik : glasilo Zveze geodetov Slovenije. 2013, letn. 57, št. 2, str. 260-270. ISSN 0351-0271.

OBU, Jaroslav. Periglacialne in ledeniške oblike v zahodnem delu Pohorja. Dela. 2011, [št.] 35, str. 55-71. ISSN 0354-0596., DOI: 10.4312/dela.35.4.55-71.

2011: Diploma in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
2016: Doctor rerum naturalium, Faculty of Science, University of Potsdam.

2022 –: Principal investigator of CryoKarst project funded by Slovene Research Agency. Karst Research Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 
2019 – 2021: Researcher, ESA-funded CCI Permafrost project. Department of Geosciences, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.
2016 – 2019: Postdoctoral researcher, ESA-funded GlobPermafrost project. Department of Geosciences, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.
2012 – 2016: PhD student, COPER project (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft). Alfred Wegener Institute and University of Potsdam. 

2020 – 2021: GEO2210 Geomorphology Bachelor course. Department of Geosciences, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.
2016 – 2019: GEO4410 Glacial and periglacial geomorphology Master course. Department of Geosciences, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.
2017: Lecturer at UiO International Summer School "A Changing Arctic

2022: Research project from Slovene research Agency for young researchers (3 years). Understanding cryoturbation – using karst caves to improve predictions of soil carbon fate upon thawing permafrost (CryoKarst)
2020: Arctic Field Grant from The Research Council of Norway. Funded field work in karst caves near Ny-Ålesund.
2015: POLMAR outgoing scholarship for research stay in Svalbard at UNIS. Three-month scholarship from AWI graduate school. 
2012: PhD Scholarship from Slovene human resources development and scholarship fund. Three-year scholarship for a PhD study at the University of Potsdam.

physical geography