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Cyril Mayaud, PhD

Research Associate

+386 5 700 1934


  • Dynamics of flow and transport in karstified, fractured and porous aquifers;
  • Numerical programming and groundwater modelling;
  • Environmental changes in karstic context;
  • Aquifer characterization;
  • Science to public communication.

Mayaud, C., Walker, P., Hergarten, S., Birk, S., 2015. Nonlinear Flow Process (NLFP): a new package to compute nonlinear flow in MODFLOW. Ground Water 53, no. 4: 645-650. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12243.

Mayaud, C., Wagner, T., Benischke, R., Birk, S., 2014. Single event time series analysis in a binary karst catchment evaluated using a groundwater model (Lurbach system, Austria). Journal of Hydrology 511, 628-639. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.02.024.

Birk, S., Wagner, T., Mayaud, C., 2014. Threshold behavior of karst aquifers: the example of the Lurbach karst system (Austria). Environmental Earth Sciences 72, no. 5: 1349-1356. doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3122-z.

Mayaud, C., Wagner, T., Benischke, R., Birk, S., 2013. Understanding changes in the hydrological behaviour within a karst aquifer (Lurbach system, Austria). Carbonates Evaporites. doi: 10.1007/s13146-013-0172-3.

Wagner, T., Mayaud, C., Benischke, R., Birk, S., 2013. Ein besseres Verständnis des Lurbach-Karstsystems durch ein konzeptionelles Niederschlags-Abfluss-Modell. Grundwasser 18, no. 4: 225-235. doi: 10.1007/s00767-013-0234-4 (in German).

PhD studies in Hydrogeology (10/2010 – 04/2014):

  • University of Graz, Austria;
  • Thesis Title: "Groundwater modelling in karst terrains using single-continuum models";

MSc studies in Hydrology and Hydrogeology (10/2009–09/2010):

  • Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University, Paris, France;
  • Six month exchange at the University of Graz, Austria;
  • Thesis Title: "Groundwater modeling in karst terrains: example of the Lurbach system";

MSc studies in Subsurface Geophysics (first year; 10/2008–09/2009):

  • Paris Diderot University – Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France;
  • Five month internship at SANTEC-Fuchs company, Hürth, Germany;
  • Thesis Title: "Groundwater and subsoil decontamination with activated carbon";

BSc studies in Geology (10/2005 – 09/2008):

  • Paris Diderot University, Paris, France.



  • French: native speaker;
  • German and Slovene: fluent;
  • English: proficient.