Call for public authorization for the preparation of geological bases and analyses in the framework of the monitoring geological phenomena and groundwater status
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Prof. dr. Metka Petrič-
Original Title
Javno pooblastilo za pripravo strokovnih geoloških podlag in analiz kot dela monitoringa geoloških pojavov in monitoringa stanja podzemnih voda
Project Team
dr. Nataša Ravbar, dr. Franci Gabrovšek, dr. Mitja Prelovšek, dr. Janez Mulec, dr. Matej Blatnik, dr. Cyril Mayaud, dr. Blaž Kogovšek, dr. Petra Gostinčar, Mateja Zadel, Leon Drame, Franjo Drole, Sara Skok, Sonja Stamenković-
10 March 2017–31 December 2023 -
Financial Source
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning – Slovenian Environment Agency
We have created a freely accessible GIS database with the results of tracer tests conducted in the Slovenian Karst. The database is updated every two years.
Most of the activities defined by annual contracts are aimed to support the actions of the Water Management Plan. Some of the tasks that were included in these contracts are: extension of the hydrological monitoring network to karst caves, review of the determination of the extent of groundwater bodies in the karst area, evaluation of the impact of a change in the groundwater regime on ecosystems at selected sites with the observed disappearance of the endemic cave salamander Proteus anguinus, spatial assessment of water table distribution in the selected karst areas, review of the groundwater recharge results of the model mGROWA-SI in karst areas, hydrological analysis aimed of the development of a conceptual model in the transboundary karst aquifer, etc.
The expert bases for the extension of the water quality monitoring network in the impact areas of point source pollution in karst aquifers were prepared.
PETRIČ, Metka, RAVBAR, Nataša, GOSTINČAR, Petra, KRSNIK, Petra, GACIN, Marina. GIS database of groundwater flow characteristics in carbonate aquifers : tracer test inventory from Slovenian karst. Applied geography. [Print ed.]. May 2020, vol. 118, 8 str., ilustr. ISSN 0143-6228., DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2020.102191.
PETRIČ, Metka, RAVBAR, Nataša, GOSTINČAR, Petra, KRSNIK, Petra, GACIN, Marina. Vzpostavitev prosto dostopne GIS zbirke rezultatov sledenj toka podzemne vode in možnosti njene uporabe = Establishment of a freely accessible GIS database containing the results of groundwater tracing and possibilities of its use. Geologija. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, vol. 63, no. 2, str. 203-220, ilustr. ISSN 0016-7789., DOI: 10.5474/geologija.2020.017.