Research of the Karst in the Altai Republic
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Tadej Slabe, PhD-
Original Title
Raziskovanje krasa v Altajski republiki
Project Team
Tadej Slabe, PhD, Metka Petrič, PhD, Tanja Pipan, PhD , Martin Knez, PhD, Matej Blatnik, PhD, Achiova Altynai Aleseevna, Kalmykov Igor Vyacheslavovich, Tamara A. Panchisheva, Ana Panchisheva, Tatiana Vdovina-
Project ID
1 October 2016–30 September 2018 -
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS
Research Centre SAZU (Karst Research Institute), Altai Affiliated Branch – Dept. RAS, Central Siberian Botanical Garden of SB RAS
The karst in the Altai Republic will be further identified and the selected regions will be examined. The findings will be used to fill in our knowledge about the characteristics of karst formation in different rocks and in various conditions around the world. This will facilitate filling in the regional knowledge gaps about karst, and expanding the international theorybased karstological expertise. Support will be provided to the development of local karstology also through the exchange of experience gained from the development of the UNESCO natural heritage.