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Near Fault Observatories (NFO) are natural laboratories undergoing active, and complex geophysical processes at, or in proximity to, densely populated urban areas. NFOs bound relatively small areas and are ideal sites for in-depth monitoring and advanced research. Six NFOs in Europe, have been identified by the European Plate Observing System as long-term Research Infrastructures; three additional NFOs are in observer status (one of them also in Slovenia as »SLO KARST NFO«). NFOs target the enhanced understanding of the mechanics of earthquakes to unravel the anatomy of complex seismogenic faults. This can only be achieved by the acquisition of continuous, long-term, high-resolution, high-quality, and high-density multidisciplinary data, and the application of consistent, high quality and state-of-the-art data processing. TRANSFORM² has the ambitious goal of improving and transforming the existing NFOs, by integrating cutting-edge methodological and technological solutions, paving the road for the next generation NFOs across Europe. This will be achieved through the development of four ‘concepts’: I) Innovative sensors - new generation of sensors in basic and applied research related to earthquake processes; II) Elevated detectability - novel automatic workflow for enhanced detectability and characterization of earthquakes; III) Early warning - new platforms for supporting decision-makers during earthquake alerts: IV) Test-bed - next generation of accessibility for testing and development of new cutting-edge sensors and algorithms. A focus will be on bringing transformative concepts such as Machine Learning and fiber optic cable sensing to the NFO community. Breakthrough ideas will be explored and addressed with focus on analytical and feasibility control detecting weaknesses and missing elements that will be resolved within the project. Awareness and engagement of stakeholders as well as societal needs will be a priority. Issues concerning NFO funding and sustainability will be addressed.



29 – 31 January 2025 – kick-off meeting of the project partners, Patras, Greece (live participation and zoom)


30 January 2025 – lecture of M. Aljančič at project kick-off meeting in Patras, Greece with title: The status of SLO KARST NFO seismic network in Slovenia -

Patras Aljancic

30 January 2025 – NFO Board meeting (live and zoom)

NFO Board




ŠEBELA, S. 2024. Mikro-klimatski monitoring v turističnih jamah v Sloveniji : predstavitev aktualnih raziskovalnih rezultatov "Odlični v znanosti" na posvetu ITTC 17, 17th International Technology Transfer Conference, Jožef Stefan Institute, online, 9. okt. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 212382467]


ALJANČIČ, M. 2025. The status of SLO KARST NFO seismic network in Slovenia. Lecture at TRANSFORM2 kick-off project meeting, 30 January 2025, Patras, Greece.

ŠEBELA, S. 2025. Spremljanje turistično manj obiskane jame v JV Sloveniji kot referenčne točke za segrevanje jamskega okolja (Monitoring of not heavy – visited show cave in SE Slovenia as a reference point of cave environment warming. Raziskave s področja geodezije in geofizike 2024, Ljubljana, 30. 1. 2025, 30. srečanje SZGG, zbornik del, 19-24.

ELIAS, P., FESTA, G., CHIARALUCE, L., BERNARD, P., KAVIRIS, G., EVANGELIDIS, C., SOKOS, E., CLINTON, J., MARMUREANU, A., COLOMPELLI, S., SUPINO, M., PARONIS, D., KARASTATHIS, V., MEIER, M-A., ERGINTAV, S., VUAN, A., FISCHER, T., SEBELA, S., PALIATSAS, D., SERPETSIDAKI, A. 2025. EU funding to integrate cutting-edge methodological and technological solutions, enabling the development of a next-generation network of Near Fault Observatories across Europe (project TRANSFORM2). EGU25-11863, submitted to ITS3.11/ERE6.3 – Advancing Environmental Science through Integrated Research Infrastructures.

ELIAS, P., FESTA, G., CHIARALUCE, L., BERNARD, P., KAVIRIS, G., EVANGELIDIS, C., SOKOS, E., CLINTON, J., MARMUREANU, A., COLOMBELLI, S., SUPINO, M., PARONIS, D., KARASTATHIS, V., MEIER, M-A., ERGINTAV, S., VUAN, A., FISCHER, T., SEBELA, S., PALIATSAS, D., SERPETSIDAKI, A., KARAKONSTANTIS, A. 2025. EU funding to integrate cutting-edge methodological and technological solutions, enabling the development of a next-generation network of Near Fault Observatories across Europe (project TRANSFORM²). Abstract at GSG 2025 (17th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece), Number :  71, 28-31 May 2025, Mytilene, Greece.

Research Project

Znanosti o trdi Zemlji
strojno učenje

Research Fields
Geofizika P500
Tektonika P440