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Krasoslovje v razvojnih izzivih na krasu [1]. Voda.
Karstology and Development Challenges on Karst. Water.

Edited by: Martin Knez, Metka Petrič, Tadej Slabe
Year: 2011

A good knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage of karst is a precondition for the rational planning of life on it. We try to organize the knowledge to make it as useful as possible for planners. We are involved in individual projects related to the regional planning, water supply systems, the construction of transportation infrastructure, the closure of landfills in karst areas, the collection of data on karst caves and their protection, karst ecology and determining the extent of human influence on the karst underground. A new book series Karstology and development challenges on karst was designed to present the results of completed and new projects to a broader public.

The first book with the subtitle Water contains selected directly applicable research studies on karst waters, their characteristics, endangerment, and protection. It is composed of ten chapters, which can be grouped into three main themes. In the introduction the importance, characteristics and vulnerability of karst aquifers are presented,then various case studies of pollution and endangerment are described (traffic, landfills, military objects, flooding), and at the end some guidelines for the protection of karst water sources are summarized.

The book is a bilingual publication in Slovene and English. It is aimed at a broad circle of users, researchers, students and planners.

Table of content


1. Metka Petrič, Nataša Ravbar, Janja Kogovšek:  Značilnosti kraških vodonosnikov, njihova ranljivost in ogroženost / Characteristics of karst aquifers, their vulnerability and endangerment
2. Janja Kogovšek: Vloga vadozne cone v prenosu onesnaženja s površja skozi kraške vodonosnike do kraških izvirov / The role of the vadose zone in the transfer of pollution through karst aquifers to karst springs
3. Franci Gabrovšek,  Janez Turk: Temperatura vode kot naravno sledilo za ugotavljanje pretakanja podzemnih voda: Primer podzemne Pivke in Unice / Water temperature as a natural tracer of groundwater in karst: The case of the Pivka and Unica Rivers
4. Janja Kogovšek: Ogroženost kraških vodnih virov zaradi prometa v rednih razmerah / Threats to the karst water sources from traffic in normal conditions
5. Janja Kogovšek, Metka Petrič: Izlitja nevarnih snovi ogrožajo kraške vode / Spillages of hazardous substances endanger karst waters
6. Metka Petrič, Janja Kogovšek: Načrtovanje monitoringa podzemne vode v vplivnem območju odlagališč odpadkov na krasu na podlagi rezultatov sledilnih poskusov / Planning of groundwater monitoring in the impact areas of landfills in karst based on the results of tracer tests
7. Mojca Bole, Samar Al Sayegh-Petkovšek, Polonca Druks Gajšek, Janja Kogovšek, Metka Petrič, Boštjan Pokorny: Ocena vpliva vojaškega vadišča Poček na kraške vode / Assessment of impact of the Poček military training area on karst waters.
8. Metka Petrič, Janja Kogovšek, Nataša Ravbar: Prilagajanje slovenske zakonodaje posebnim značilnostim kraških vodonosnikov / Adjustment of the Slovene legislation to the special characteristics of karst aquifers.
9. Nataša Ravbar: Alternativna metoda za zaščito kraških vodnih virov / An alternative method for the protection of karst water sources
10. Gregor Kovačič, Nataša Ravbar: Prilagoditve poplavam na krasu / Adapting to flooding on karst

More ...

Dragica Jaksetič: Nasveti za trajnostno življenje na krasu; Delo, Znanost (10.5.2012)

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collective volume
karst (geology)
karstic aquifers
karstic waters
water pollution
water resources


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