Common system for the evaluation of the sustainability of water resources management in the Natural Parks Škocjanske Jame and Risnjak
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Metka Petrič, PhD-
Original Title
Skupni sistem vrednotenja trajnostnosti upravljanja z vodnimi viri parkov Škocjanske jame in Risnjak
Project Team
Metka Petrič, PhD, Janja Kogovšek, PhD , Janez Mulec, PhD , Nataša Ravbar, PhD, Stanka Šebela, PhD, Franjo Drole, Mateja Zadel-
1 January 2014–17 June 2015 -
Lead Partner
Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame
Project Leader
Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame
Financial Source
Republika Slovenija
EU (OP IPA Slovenija-Hrvaška 2007-2013)
Grad Delnice, Geotehnički fakultet - Sveučilište Zagreb, Nacionalni park Risnjak, Geološki zavod Slovenije, Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU
Foundations for long-term sustainable management of water resources in the cross-border area between the natural parks Škocjanske jame and Risnjak will be set based on the research, educational, and awareness-raising activities. A complex process of water management has to follow the goals of various sectors, consider complex natural conditions (karst aquifers with specific characteristics of groundwater flow), and in the cross-border area also pay regards to the relations between two neighbouring countries. A comprehensive management of water resources demands co-operation of all sectors in the horizontal, as well as in the vertical direction from inhabitants, local communities, regions to states.