Toward the conservation of the European cave salamander (Proteus anguinus): monitoring guidelines, current status estimation and identification of evolutionarily significant units
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Franci Gabrovšek, PhD-
Original Title
Znanstveni temelji za varstvo človeške ribice (proteus anguinus): metodologija monitoringa, ocena izhodiščnega stanja ter identifikacija varstveno pomembnih enot
Project Team
Franci Gabrovšek, PhD, Metka Petrič, PhD-
Project ID
L1-6731 (D)
1 October 2014–30 September 2017 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Financial Source
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Research Centre SAZU (Karst Research Institute)
The European cave salamander, or proteus (Proteus anguinus), is a Slovenian national symbol, endemic to the Dinaric Karst. Formally, it is protected as Annex II priority species of the EU Habitat Directive. Until now, Slovenian proteus populations have not been monitored, nor is there any program of monitoring under way. The proteus is an extraordinary animal whose underground populations cannot be studied by conventional biological methods, nor can they be censused directly by counting individuals. What is required are innovative approaches using new technologies, including various molecular and genomic techniques and special methods of detection. We are going to apply next generation sequencing methods to develop microsatellite markers, estimate population sizes by genetic mark-recapture modelling, develop a monitoring approach using effective population size as key parameter, and estimate the available but unknown habitat by speleogenetic habitat modeling.