Development and application of method for quantity and quality assessment of ground water resources in karst
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Franci Gabrovšek, PhD-
Original Title
Razvoj in uporaba metode za količinsko in kakovostno ovrednotenje vodnih virov v krasu
Project Team
Matej Blatnik, PhD, (SICRIS), Martin Knez, PhD, (SICRIS), Blaž Kogovšek, PhD, Peter Kozel, PhD, (SICRIS), Andrej Mihevc, PhD, (SICRIS), Janez Mulec, PhD , (SICRIS), Bojan Otoničar, PhD , (SICRIS), Metka Petrič, PhD, (SICRIS), Tanja Pipan, PhD , (SICRIS), Tadej Slabe, PhD, (SICRIS), Stanka Šebela, PhD, (SICRIS), Nataša Ravbar, PhD, (SICRIS), Nadja Zupan Hajna, PhD, (SICRIS), Martin Tilen Tancar, dr. Marija Ulrich-Supovec, dr. Goran Vižintin, Franjo Drole, Mateja Zadel, Leon Drame-
Project ID
L1-7555 (B)
1 March 2016–28 February 2019 -
Lead Partner
Financial Source
Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS
Javno podjetje Kovod Postojna
HGEM d.o.o. Hidrogeologija, geotehnologija, ekologija in monitoring
Karst aquifers are abundant, but vulnerable water resources. The communities supplied by the fresh water from karst aquifers are therefore under a constant threat of shortage of water quantity and quality, particularly if they rely on a single source. Such is the case of Postojna and Pivka municipalities in Slovenia, where several shortages occurred during last few years. This project aims at setting new standards in search, protection and use of reliable water resources in karst areas.